Our Day

So today was exhausting. Enoch had an occupational therapy appointment and a GI appointment. Pip had a hair cut – still a very important thing. I had an appointment with my trusty friend Diet Coke and that got me through the appointments and rewarded me for the hours setting up future appointments and making insurance … More Our Day


Sam is applying for Assistant Professor jobs next year and he’s added teaching an evening class at one of the local colleges to his work load. It was pretty overwhelming and the beginning of the year was not a banner time for any of us, but I’ve started practicing mindfulness and it has made a huge difference … More Mindfulness

Here he is!

  So Enoch’s birth was pretty low key to everyone’s surprise. He didn’t need any breathing or feeding interventions. I had to have more interventions then he did, but by the end of the day we were both doing fine. We were doing so well that when we got the results from Enoch’s MRI the … More Here he is!

We spoke too soon

I’ve had a hard time writing this post for some reason. I think this week has been a harsh reminder that Enoch’s situation is much more serious then I want it to be and that is hard. The hardest things haven’t been the things that have actually happened, but realizing that the life Sam and … More We spoke too soon

Pregnancy Updates

People have started asking me again “how is everything going”… which I think its time for another update. In a nutshell, things are still fine. No new news. Cherie is going in to two doctor’s appointments each week. The first is with our Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist for an ultrasound. There they do a bio-physical … More Pregnancy Updates

It’s a good day!

We had another ultrasound today. Enoch was in a great position so it only took 15 minutes to get the images they needed. We didn’t see anything new, but Enoch looks great! I’ve included a picture of his brain, but it isn’t very clear. I circled the biggest problem he has, but there are other issues … More It’s a good day!

July Updates

There has been a lot going on around here. We took our family trip to the Walt Disney World Resort, we’re moving this weekend to another apartment in the neighborhood, we’ve been visited by and paid visits to family, and I’ve been busy with school/work on and off all summer. And of course we have our … More July Updates